Anmeldung in Germany: The Best Step-By-Step Guide for Address Registration

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Welcome to Germany! Before you can enjoy your new life, you are faced with one of the most notorious bureaucratic processes: Anmeldung in Germany. You are legally required to register your address in Germany. It sounds easy. But it may be more complicated in reality. 

In this article, we will talk about what is Anmeldung in Germany and why it is important. We will also go through all the detailed steps and required documents. And we will provide you with some best tips to make the process as smooth as possible. Besides, you will also find answers here to some of the most commonly asked questions about Anmeldung in Germany.

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Renting in Germany – Ultimate 2024 English Guide to Finding Your Apartment in Germany

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Looking for a rental apartment in Germany can be a frustrating process. I have moved many times within Germany and I understand the pain. Therefore, I have put together this ultimate guide about renting in Germany. You will learn how it works to find and live in a rental apartment in Germany. I also include some tips that will increase your chance of finding your dream rental apartment in Germany.

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Living in Germany – Big City vs. Small Town

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I grew up in Hong Kong, a city with a population of more than 7 million people. During my studies, I have lived in other big cities like Prague and Berlin. I was so used to live in big cities that I thought I could never live in a small town. Some years ago, I decided to move to Germany in a small town with less than 50,000 people due to my internship. Before moving there, I was worried that living in a small town would be very boring and inconvenient. Surprisingly, I was not bored at all and fell in love completely with this town. Ever since then, I think I can never live in a big city again. Continue reading “Living in Germany – Big City vs. Small Town”