Moving with Kids? The Ultimate Family Relocation Hacks You Need!

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Planning a family relocation or moving with kids? It’s an exciting yet daunting process, and I’ve walked that road myself. Whether it’s helping your children settle into a new school or making sure they stay connected to old friends, there’s a lot to consider. But with some preparation and a little creativity, you can make the transition smoother for everyone. Let me share what I’ve learned along the way.

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Deregistration in Germany: Why and How to Deregister (Abmeldung)

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Leaving Germany and moving abroad can be an exciting adventure, but it also involves some bureaucratic steps. One important task to complete before you go is deregistration in Germany (Abmeldung), which involves officially informing the local authorities that you no longer live in the country. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about deregistration in Germany. We will also provide you with some helpful tips to deregister in Germany to ensure a smooth departure.

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Moving to a New City – 4 Best Tips for Adjusting to Life (Seoul vs. Berlin)

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Moving to a new city may not be an easy task for many. I can totally understand that as I have moved from Hong Kong to Germany all by myself. Having said that, there are things that you can already do before moving to a new city. Doing these things can help you to adjust to your new life easier. In this article, Chelsea will tell you her story of moving from Seoul to Berlin. She will also give you her 4 best tips to make life easier when moving to a new city.

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Pets In Germany – Moving With Your Pets Or Adopting One Locally

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In Germany, pets are treated almost like humans. It is very common to have pets in a household. If you plan to move with your pets to Germany or adopt a new pet here locally, make sure you understand all the legal requirements. Pet laws in Germany are very strict. In this article, you will find a brief overview of what you need to consider when having pets in Germany. Continue reading “Pets In Germany – Moving With Your Pets Or Adopting One Locally”

Moving back home after living abroad

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“Should I stay here, or should I move back home?” Do you have this feeling from time to time, when you live abroad?  I moved to Germany and in my opinion, Germany is really a very nice country to live in.

However, I do have this feeling from time to time, and I wonder, if I should really stay in Germany for good. This feeling was especially strong in my first year in Germany. In this post, I will talk about what it is like to move back home after living abroad.

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