Want to Work in Germany? Tips from Industry Experts

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Struggling to find a job in Germany? You’re not alone. This article features top recruitment experts Nat and Tom, who share their insider tips on everything from job market research to nailing your interviews and evaluating job offers. Discover how to turn your job search into a success story, work in Germany, and seamlessly integrate into German society.

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Employment & Labor Law in Germany – Know Your Employee Rights

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In this guide, we’ll talk about your rights as an employee, based on the employment & labor law in Germany. This includes your holiday entitlement, sick leave/ family leave benefits, and more. You will also learn about different types of work contracts, what to do if you face termination, and how to get support if you have a conflict with your employer. Join us on this journey to understand and assert your rights as an employee in Germany!

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Unemployment Benefit in Germany (+ Citizen’s Income) – Application Guide for Expats

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In this article, you will find everything you need to know about unemployment benefits (Arbeitslosengeld) in Germany. We will also talk about citizen’s income (Bürgergeld) for those who are unable to finance their living expenses. You will learn about their differences, how much money you can get, the duration of the benefits, and how you can apply for the benefits. Continue reading “Unemployment Benefit in Germany (+ Citizen’s Income) – Application Guide for Expats”

Anmeldung in Germany: The Best Step-By-Step Guide for Address Registration

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Welcome to Germany! Before you can enjoy your new life, you are faced with one of the most notorious bureaucratic processes: Anmeldung in Germany. You are legally required to register your address in Germany. It sounds easy. But it may be more complicated in reality. 

In this article, we will talk about what is Anmeldung in Germany and why it is important. We will also go through all the detailed steps and required documents. And we will provide you with some best tips to make the process as smooth as possible. Besides, you will also find answers here to some of the most commonly asked questions about Anmeldung in Germany.

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Church Tax in Germany – How to Stop Paying It?

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What is church tax in Germany? Do you know if you are paying for it now? And more importantly, how to stop paying it? In this guide, we will tell you everything you need to know about church tax in Germany. This includes the amount and calculation, the different types of church tax in Germany, how to stop paying it, and what are the consequences.

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How to write your CV in Germany (+ English template!)

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Looking for a job in Germany and not sure how to write your CV? You are at the right place. In this guide, you will get all the details about how to write your CV that fits the German job market. You will learn about the structure, length, style, and the different sections contained in a CV in Germany. I also include a free CV template for you to use and land your dream job in Germany!

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20 Ideas to Make Money from Home – Anyone Can Do

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Due to the coronavirus crisis, many people are getting used to working from home. Working from home has a lot of benefits. You can save time on commuting, spend more time with your family, and you can even work in your pajamas. It doesn’t matter if you are a student or housewife wanting to make some money from home; or if you have a full-time job already but looking for ways to make some extra cash on the side. In this article, you will find many different ways to make money from home. Continue reading “20 Ideas to Make Money from Home – Anyone Can Do”

13 Tips for Working From Home with a Toddler

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In this post, you will find tips for working from home with a toddler. These tips were written during the coronavirus crisis in 2020 when all the schools and daycare centers were closed in Germany for months. Parents were forced to work from home with their kids at home. You can use these tips now also when your daycare center is closed but you still have to work. Most daycare centers in Germany are closed 40 days a year.
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