Moving to a New City – 4 Best Tips for Adjusting to Life (Seoul vs. Berlin)

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Moving to a new city may not be an easy task for many. I can totally understand that as I have moved from Hong Kong to Germany all by myself. Having said that, there are things that you can already do before moving to a new city. Doing these things can help you to adjust to your new life easier. In this article, Chelsea will tell you her story of moving from Seoul to Berlin. She will also give you her 4 best tips to make life easier when moving to a new city.

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Filing US Tax When Living Abroad In Germany – An Overview For US Expats

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As a US expat, do you understand your tax impact when living abroad? The United States taxes its citizens based on citizenship and not residency. It means that you will have to take care of both German tax and US tax if you live abroad in Germany. In this article, you will find information about your tax obligations in both Germany and the US.

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