Free Credit Card in Germany – Top 5 For Travel and Cashback

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Looking for a free credit card in Germany? Check out this comparison of the top 5 free credit cards in Germany, both for travel and for cashback. In this article, you will also find all information about credit card in Germany, including credit card types, different costs, how to choose the best credit card, etc. Continue reading “Free Credit Card in Germany – Top 5 For Travel and Cashback”

Unemployment Benefit in Germany (+ Citizen’s Income) – Application Guide for Expats

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In this article, you will find everything you need to know about unemployment benefits (Arbeitslosengeld) in Germany. We will also talk about citizen’s income (Bürgergeld) for those who are unable to finance their living expenses. You will learn about their differences, how much money you can get, the duration of the benefits, and how you can apply for the benefits. Continue reading “Unemployment Benefit in Germany (+ Citizen’s Income) – Application Guide for Expats”

Moving to the US From Germany – Is It Good to Do It or Not?

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Yes. You read it right. I am moving to the U.S. from Germany! Sounds crazy, I know. I also feel that way. This is a personal post about why we are moving to the U.S., how long we plan to be there, and what will happen to this blog.

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Anmeldung in Germany: The Best Step-By-Step Guide for Address Registration

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Welcome to Germany! Before you can enjoy your new life, you are faced with one of the most notorious bureaucratic processes: Anmeldung in Germany. You are legally required to register your address in Germany. It sounds easy. But it may be more complicated in reality. 

In this article, we will talk about what is Anmeldung in Germany and why it is important. We will also go through all the detailed steps and required documents. And we will provide you with some best tips to make the process as smooth as possible. Besides, you will also find answers here to some of the most commonly asked questions about Anmeldung in Germany.

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Moving to a New City – 4 Best Tips for Adjusting to Life (Seoul vs. Berlin)

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Moving to a new city may not be an easy task for many. I can totally understand that as I have moved from Hong Kong to Germany all by myself. Having said that, there are things that you can already do before moving to a new city. Doing these things can help you to adjust to your new life easier. In this article, Chelsea will tell you her story of moving from Seoul to Berlin. She will also give you her 4 best tips to make life easier when moving to a new city.

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Leasing a Car in Germany – How to Find the Best Deal?

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Want to drive a car in Germany but cannot afford to buy one? Leasing a car in Germany can be an option for you. In this article, you will find all you need to know about leasing a car in Germany. This includes the pros and cons of leasing, how to find the best car leasing deal, who should lease a car, and the requirement.

We have also included different factors for you to decide if you should lease or buy a car in Germany. Last but not least, we will talk about car subscriptions – an alternative to leasing for those who prefer flexibility.

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11 Best Tax Return Software Germany in 2024 – Suitable for Anyone

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Do you want to file a tax return in Germany but you don’t know the German language? No problem! In this article, you will find the 10 best tax return software in Germany for expats. Many of them are in English! You can choose the tax return software that best fits your needs in Germany. Besides, I will also share other useful information about filing a tax return in Germany, including the deadline, the process, different ways to submit a tax return, etc.

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