Thesis in Germany – Tips to write your thesis at a company

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In order to graduate from your bachelor or master studies in Germany, you will probably need to write a thesis in your last semester. Having a thesis semester was not something that I was familiar with. I did my bachelor degree in Hong Kong, where we did not have a thesis semester. When I did my master degree in Germany, I had many questions relating to the thesis semester. In this post, I will explain to you what a thesis semester is and provide some tips about writing your thesis at a company. Continue reading “Thesis in Germany – Tips to write your thesis at a company”

Supermarkets in Germany: What to expect and how to save money on groceries

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Going to supermarkets in Germany was a totally new experience for me. The way how it works in Germany is completely different than in Hong Kong or the US. In this post, you will find a list of “strange things” that you will notice when visiting supermarkets in Germany. I have also included some tips here about how you can save money when doing grocery shopping in Germany. Continue reading “Supermarkets in Germany: What to expect and how to save money on groceries”

Salary in Germany: Are you getting paid enough?

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When I first came to Germany, I had no idea how much salary I should expect. Salary in Germany is normally not a common topic that you can openly discuss with your friends and compare. Besides, it is hard to compare as every industry is different. People who have different educational backgrounds and years of experience also get a different level of salary in Germany. Continue reading “Salary in Germany: Are you getting paid enough?”

How to cook white asparagus – Easy recipe for asparagus time

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Have you seen white asparagus before moving to Germany? Have you noticed that there are white asparagus everywhere in Germany at the moment? It is the “Spargelzeit” now in Germany! Spargelzeit means asparagus time literally. It starts in April until end of June.  It is the time when white asparagus are harvested. You will see white asparagus everywhere: in supermarket; in fresh market; or directly on the fields. So, what is the best and easy recipe to cook asparagus? Continue reading “How to cook white asparagus – Easy recipe for asparagus time”

Moving back home after living abroad

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“Should I stay here, or should I move back home?” Do you have this feeling from time to time, when you live abroad?  I moved to Germany and in my opinion, Germany is really a very nice country to live in. However, I do have this feeling from time to time, and I wonder, if I should really stay in Germany for good. This feeling was especially strong in my first year in Germany. In this post, I will talk about what it is like to move back home after living abroad. Continue reading “Moving back home after living abroad”