How I quit my job and moved abroad

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What do you think was the best decision in your life? Changing a job? Moving to another city? Having a kid? I am sure there will be a few things coming into your mind when you ask yourself this question. It is not an easy question. But now when you think about the decision you have made, you would probably say, “Thank god that I have done that!” In this post, I will tell you why moving abroad is one of the best decisions in my life. Continue reading “How I quit my job and moved abroad”

Traditional breakfast in Germany (Bayern)

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Everybody knows that German people love drinking beer. Beer is like part of their culture. If you are visiting your friends, eating out in a restaurant, going to a bar, you cannot escape from beer. This is the drink that every local has at home. This shouldn’t be something surprising. If you have been to Germany already, you know how good it tastes.

What about having a beer during breakfast? Would you like that? In this post, I will show you the traditional breakfast in the Bavarian state in Germany. Continue reading “Traditional breakfast in Germany (Bayern)”

9 ways to earn money in Germany as a student

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As a foreign student, I fully understood the financial hardship during my student time in Germany.

In 2010, I took all my saving with me and flew to Germany alone to enroll in a master degree in a university. The degree was supposed to last for two years, while my saving was only enough to cover the first year expense.

In this post, I will show you different ways to earn money in Germany as a student.

Continue reading “9 ways to earn money in Germany as a student”